All too often, we hear of homeowners pushing steel wool or pot scrubbers into weep holes to block them and keep pests out.We get it, and at first glance it looks like a clever, cost effective and innovative solution.
Even if you have regular professional termite inspections, knowing the signs of termite activity can help save your home! Here are our top 6 signs of termite activity every homeowner should know.
Having a bee or wasp nest in the walls of your home is surprisingly common. After all, the wall cavities of your home are dry, warm and protected from predators, so an ideal place for bees and wasps to build a nest.
You don’t have to be an arachnophobe to not want spiders around the home ­– redbacks, white-tails and black house spiders have nasty bites and to many, huntsman are downright scary.
Everyone wants a pest free home. There are a 3 key actions you can take to achieve this goal: make conditions around the home less attractive to pests, carry out preventative pest control treatments and eliminate potential pest entry points.
Termites are everywhere in Australia. CSIRO estimate that 80% of all homes are within 25 m of a termite nest. So, it’s important to have a termite management plan in place.
It’s been estimated that termites cause around $1 billion dollars of damage in Australia each year! With termite damage not covered by standard home insurance policies, it’s important that homeowners take all possible steps to prevent termites from entering their home.
Termites are pretty much everywhere in Australia – it has been estimated that 80% of all homes are within 25 m of a termite nest! So, whether you're aware of it or not, there are probably termites trying to get into your house right now!
The chances of your home coming under termite attack during its lifetime are as high as 1 in 3 in some areas of Australia. You may think it’s bad luck if your home comes under termite attack... it’s not.
Bee swarms are on the move and looking for a new home at this time of the year. Cavity brick walls provide the perfect place for a hive because they are safe and warm and weep holes are the perfect entry point.